Academic Career Code

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Academic Career Code is the coded value for Academic Career, a concept used to group all course work undertaken by a student at CSUMB in a single student record as "Undergraduate" (UGRD), "Post-baccalaureate" (PBAC), or "Extended Education" (EXED).

Where Term Appears
CSUMB Data Warehouse Dashboards:
Other Reports:N/A
Data Custodian
Office of the Registrar
Data Source
Source System:CMS - SA
Source Table Name:PS_TERM_TBL
Source Field Name:ACAD_CAREER
Census Process:N
Logical Transformation / Calculation
OBIEE Folder and Column
Folder Heading:"Academic Career"
Column Heading:"Source Academic Career Code"

Business Rules

The "Undergraduate - UGRD" Academic Career includes only the first baccalaureate academic program a student pursues at the institution as well as work completed by transitory and non-matriculated students taking courses through Open University program that have not previously earned a baccalaureate degree.

The "Post-baccalaureate - PBAC" Academic Career includes any graduate or credential academic work pursued by a student, any second baccalaureate work, as well as work completed by transitory and non-matriculated students taking courses through Open University program that have previously earned a baccalaureate degree.

The "Extended Education - EXED" academic career includes students taking English Language courses for language development and students taking courses for non-credit.


  • UGRD = Undergraduate
  • PBAC = Post-baccalaureate
  • EXED = Extended Education

See Also