Seeing all terms assigned to a data custodian
Viewing all terms assigned to Data Custodians can be done on the Main Page or via the Data Custodian category page.
Viewing terms by Data Custodian on Main Page
Navigate to the Main Page of the CSUMB Data Glossary.
Scroll down to the table Browse by Data Custodian.
A list of links to the individual Data Custodian category pages can be found in the table.
Click any of the links in the table to navigate to a specific Data Custodian category page, which will list all of the terms assigned to that Data Custodian.
Viewing terms on Category:Data Custodian Page.
You can also find the category pages for each Data Custodian by using the Search box in the header navigation in the upper right corner.
Type Category:Data Custodian into the Search box and click enter to navigate to the Category:Data Custodian page.
Each Data Custodian category is listed on the Category:Data Custodian Page. You can click the links to navigate to the Data Custodian category page and see all of the terms assigned to that Data Custodian.