Title 5 Conferral By Pres Action

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Title 5 Conferral By Pres Action refers to cases where the President of CSUMB may preclude any student from enrolling in any additional state-supported courses when the student has met all necessary requirements for the degree for which that student is matriculated, and may take the actions necessary to confer the degree.

Where Term Appears
CSUMB Data Warehouse Dashboards:
Filter / Group Breakdown Location:
Data Custodian
Office of the Registrar
Data Source
Source System:CMS - SA
Source Table Name:PS_CSU_CO_ERSD_STG
Source Field Name:CSU_DEGR_PRES_ACT
Census Process:Yes
Logical Transformation / Calculation
OBIEE Folder and Column
Folder Heading:"CSU Degree"
Column Heading:"Title 5 Conferral By Pres Action"


Title 5 Conferral By Pres Action values include:

  • 0 - student application for graduation
  • 1 - presidential action

Definition Source

"5 CCR § 40411 § 40411. Conferral of Degree upon Completion of Degree Requirements. The president of each campus may preclude any student from enrolling in any additional state-supported courses when that student has met all necessary requirements for the degree for which that student is matriculated, and may take the actions necessary to confer the degree. Note: Authority cited: Section 89030, Education Code. Reference: Section 89030, Education Code."[1]


  1. Title 5. Education. Division 5. Board of Trustees of the California State Universities. Chapter 1. California State University. Subchapter 2. Education Program. Article 5. General Requirements for Graduation. § 40411. Conferral of Degree upon Completion of Degree Requirements. Retrieved from: http://calstate.edu/app/documents/title-5-40411-admin-grad.pdf.