Using Discussion pages
Discussion tabs on individual glossary term pages can be used for discussion and communicating with other users of the CSUMB Data Glossary. These pages can help to communicate issues that you are not able to directly edit yourself.
You should use the discussion pages in the following scenarios:
- You think a particular term should be reassigned to a different department as primary data custodian (state which department should be reassigned as primary data custodian)
- You think a particular term should be renamed (suggest how it should be renamed) Note: because names mostly reflect database naming conventions, it may not always be possible for a renaming to occur
- Any other scenarios where you feel like you can not directly make the edits yourself using the visual editor
Accessing the discussion tab
You can access these special talk pages by clicking the Discussion tab in the top left of the header navigation for a particular page.
Creating the Talk page and adding comments
When you have opened the Discussion tab, if no prior discussions have been opened on the page, you will see "Creating Talk:[title of whatever term page you are on]".
The screenshot below illustrates the Creating Talk: California Promise page.
You simply write your comments directly in the text box that appears on this page, and then click the Save page button at the bottom of the page when you are finished.
This will create the discussion page with the notes you make on the page.
Editing a Discussion page
If a discussion page already exists for a page, when you navigate to the discussion tab, you will see "Talk:[title of whatever term page you are on]" instead of "Creating Talk..."
To edit this page with your own comments you wish to add, use the Add topic tab in the upper right header navigation of the page.
This will open the "Editing Talk:[title of whatever term page you are on]".
Here you enter a subject for your comment in the Subject text box. Try to use something descriptive as you would an e-mail. You may also with to include the data (e.g. "Response from IAR 8/18/2019")
Then write your comments / notes in the text box that appears on the page.
Finally, click the Save page button at the bottom to save your comments.
This will create a new topic section on the Discussion page with your subject as the header and the comments below.
You can add as many new topics to a page as you need to if new conversations need to be opened on particular pages.