Direct Cost of Instruction

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Direct Cost of Instruction is based on instructional weighted teaching units (WTUs) and faculty compensation.

Where Term Appears
CSUMB Data Warehouse Dashboards:
Other Reports:N/A
Data Custodian
Academic Affairs
Data Source
Source System:CMS - SA, CMS - HR
Source Table Name:N/A
Source Field Name:N/A
Census Process:N/A
Logical Transformation / Calculation
([Compensation Rate] *12) * ([Instructional Weighted Teaching Units] / 30)
OBIEE Folder and Column
Folder Heading:CSU Cost of Instruction Metrics
Column Heading:Direct Cost of Instruction

The individual class formula is the actual annual salary divided by 30 WTUs (faculty expected workload for the year) to determine a WTU rate.

That number is multiplied by the value of WTUs assigned to a class based on the type of instructional activity to weight by the share of the annual FTE work represented by a given assignment.

It is calculated as:

([Compensation Rate] *12) * ([Instructional Weighted Teaching Units] / 30)


  • $1,884
  • $556

See Also