Sorting Questions and Results on the CSUMB Experience Study Reports

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What is the sorting functionality?

On various CSUMB Experience Study dashboards, users can choose the order in which questions and results are displayed when more than one question on the same sentiment scale is available.

How to change the sort order

On dashboards where users may change the sort order of the questions and results on the dashboard, a Sort box is available with the available choices displayed. The location of the Sort box may vary depending on the layout of each dashboard.

Screenshot illustrating sort box selector on a dashboard
Screenshot illustrating sort box selector on a dashboard

Sort by Question Order

Sort by Question Order is the default selection in the Sort box on each of the dashboards and displays the questions and results in the order they appeared on the survey.

This option is especially helpful if you want to compare filtered data for different groups and need the questions to appear in the same order across all of your analyses.

Screenshot illustrating Sort by Question Order example
Example dashboard illustrating Sort by Question Order. Questions appear in the order they were asked on the survey (although not necessarily consecutive on the survey)

Sort by Positives

Sort by Positives is an option that will sort the questions and results on the dashboard based on the percentage of responses that are positive sentiment (e.g. Agree / Strongly Agree, Satisfied / Very Satisfied, etc.). The questions with the largest percentage of positive sentiment are listed first and questions are listed in descending order based on the percentage of positive sentiment.

Screenshot illustrating Sort by Positives example
Example dashboard illustrating Sort by Positives. Questions appear in order based on positive sentiment (e.g. Agree / Strongly Agree) percentage.

Sort by Negatives

Sort by Negatives is an option that will sort the questions and results on the dashboard based on the percentage of responses that are negative sentiment (e.g. Disagree / Strongly Disagree, Dissatisfied / Very Dissatisfied, etc.). The questions with the largest percentage of negative sentiment are listed first and questions are listed in descending order based on the percentage of negative sentiment.

Screenshot illustrating Sort by Negatives
Example dashboard illustrating Sort by Negatives. Questions appear in descending order based on negative sentiment (e.g. Disagree / Strongly Disagree) percentage

Sort by Neutrals

Sort by Neutrals is an option that will sort the questions and results on the dashboard based on the percentage of responses that are neutral sentiment (e.g. Neither Agree nor Disagree, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, Not Applicable / No Basis to Judge etc.). The questions with the largest percentage of neutral sentiment are listed first and questions are listed in descending order based on the percentage of neutral sentiment.

Screenshot illustrating Sort by Negatives example
Example dashboard illustrating Sort by Neutrals. Questions appear in descending order based on neutral sentiment (e.g. Neither Agree nor Disagree, Not Applicable / No Basis to Judge) percentage