Toggling Sentiment Levels on the CSUMB Experience Study Reports

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What Are Sentiment Levels?

Sentiment levels in the CSUMB Experience Study correspond with survey participants' responses to questions with a scale of possible responses.

Example Sentiment Response Level Scales

Two common sentiment response scales used on the CSUMB Experience Study are the Agreement and Satisfaction scales.

Survey participants were provided the six sentiment response options on questions using these scales.

On the CSUMB Experience Study reports, by default, the responses have been collapsed into three sentiment response levels: negative, positive, and neutral response categories.

See the example tables and screenshots below:

Agreement Sentiment Scale
Sentiment Level Toggle Options
6 levels of sentiment Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Not applicable/No basis to judge
3 levels of sentiment Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral
CSUMBES Agreement 6 Level Sentiment Scale Example. See accompanying table for accessible description
CSUMBES Agreement 6 Level Sentiment Scale Example
CSUMBES Agreement 3 Level Sentiment Scale Example. See accompanying table for accessible description
CSUMBES Agreement 3 Level Sentiment Scale Example
Satisfaction Sentiment Scale
Sentiment Level Toggle Options
6 levels of sentiment Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Not applicable/No basis to judge
3 levels of sentiment Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Neutral
CSUMBES Satisfaction 6 Level Sentiment Scale Example. See accompanying table for accessible description
CSUMBES Satisfaction 6 Level Sentiment Scale Example
CSUMBES Satisfaction 3 Level Sentiment Scale Example. See accompanying table for accessible description
CSUMBES Satisfaction 3 Level Sentiment Scale Example

How To Switch Between 3 or 6 Levels of Sentiment

On dashboards where users may change the Sentiment Level of the results on the dashboard, a Sentiment Level box is available with the available choices displayed. The location of the Sentiment Level box may vary depending on the layout of each dashboard.

By default, "Show 3 levels of sentiment" will be selected on the dashboards.

Sentiment level box: "Show 3 levels of sentiment" selected
Sentiment level box: "Show 3 levels of sentiment" selected

To see the full detail level, select "Show 6 levels of sentiment". Once you have made your selection, the dashboard analyses will regenerate with the detail selected.

Sentiment level box: "Show 6 levels of sentiment" selected
Sentiment level box: "Show 6 levels of sentiment" selected