Actual FTFTF 6-Year Graduation URM Equity Gap is used in CSUMB's Graduation Initiative 2025 dashboard to refer to the percentage difference between the 6-year graduation rates of FTFTF that are non-URM and those that are URM.
For more information, see California State University - Graduation Initiative 2025.
Metadata |
Where Term Appears |
CSUMB Data Warehouse Dashboards: |
Data Custodian |
Institutional Assessment and Research |
Data Source |
Source System: | CMS - SA |
Source Table Name: | Calculated |
Source Field Name: | N/A |
Census Process: | Yes |
Logical Transformation / Calculation |
(Actual 6-Year Graduation Rate [Non-Underrepresented Minority] - Actual 6-Year Graduation Rate [Underrepresented Minority]) |
OBIEE Folder and Column |
Folder Heading: | N/A |
Column Heading: | N/A |
See Also