Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference

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On the Pre-Census Snapshots Dashboard Enrollment page, Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference is calculated for each row in the analysis as (Headcount Year Ago Difference / Headcount Year Ago) * 100%.

Where Term Appears
CSUMB Data Warehouse Dashboards:
Data Custodian
Institutional Assessment and Research
Data Source
Source System:N/A
Source Table Name:N/A
Source Field Name:N/A
Census Process:N/A
Logical Transformation / Calculation
OBIEE Folder and Column
Folder Heading:"CSU ERS Student Metrics"
Column Heading:"Headcount Year Ago - Percent Difference"


If the Headcount Year Ago is 487 and the Headcount Year Ago Difference is 13 then the Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference is calculated as: (13 / 487) *100% = 2.67%.

Notes on Analysis Interpretation

Headcount Year Ago Difference and Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference values are calculated based upon Headcount Today and Headcount Year Ago data in respective rows in the analysis.

If one of these metrics is blank, the derived Headcount Year Ago Difference and Headcount Day Ago Percent Difference values will also be blank for that row.

When group breakdown categories have name changes or other data changes from one day to another, both the old and new category values will be included as separate rows in the analysis. This means that "Grand Total" rows in the analysis will include Headcount Today and Headcount Year Ago data from both categories. However, manually summing the Headcount Year Ago Difference or Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference columns will not match the values reported in the "Grand Total" row. This is expected behavior.

We recommend that you do not attempt to manually sum the Headcount Year Ago Difference and Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference columns as these will not yield meaningful results and will not match the actual "Grand Totals".

Example Scenario

See example table below with Major Long Description group breakdown:

Example is for informational purposes only and does not reflect actual campus enrollment data.
Major Long Description Headcount Today Headcount Year Ago Headcount Year Ago Difference Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference
Human Development and Family Science 250
Human Development and Family Studies 249
Liberal Studies 250 238 12 5.04%
Grand Total 500 487 13 2.67%

In the example table above, note a name change in "Human Development and Family Studies" to "Human Development and Family Science" from one year to the other. The Headcount Year Ago Difference and Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference columns are blank for both of these rows in the table. If you manually sum the Headcount Year Ago Difference column, it does not match the "Grand Total" row. Likewise, manually averaging the Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference column does not match the "Grand Total" row.

However, if you manually calculate the Headcount Year Ago Difference and Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference using the Headcount Today and Headcount Year Ago values reported in the "Grand Total" row, you will see that these values are accurate.

"Grand Total" Headcount Year Ago Difference calculation:

"Grand Total" Headcount Year Ago Percent Difference calculation:

See Also