Category:Enrollment (Census) Dashboard
The Enrollment (Census) Dashboard provides enrollment headcounts, state FTES, self-support FTES, and state & self-support FTEs that can be broken down by academic units, student demographics, admissions classifications, student classifications, student preparation, student financial aid, U.S. military status, athletics and support programs, external organization, and credentials. For a list of all dashboard pages and sub-pages, see the CSUMB Data Warehouse Dashboards Index.
Definition pages for data elements used on the Enrollment (Census) Dashboard are listed below.
The CSUMB Data Glossary is not an exhaustive resource of all data terminology used at CSUMB. See the Other Data Definition Resources page for other resources you may use to find definitions for terminology not found in the CSUMB Data Glossary.
Pages in category "Enrollment (Census) Dashboard"
The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 192 total.
- Academic Career
- Academic Plan
- Academic Year
- ACT Composite Score Average
- ACT English Score Average
- ACT Mathematics Score Average
- Admission Basis
- Admission Basis Group
- ADT Completion Verification Status
- Age
- Annualized
- Annualized Self-Support FTEs
- Annualized State and Self-Support FTEs
- Annualized State FTEs
- CA Legal Gender
- California Promise
- California Residency Status Group
- Campus GPA Weighted Average
- Census
- Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code
- Cohort Type
- College Description
- College Preparatory Mathematics for Placement Average
- Combined Term Units Attempted Weighted Average
- Concentration
- Country of Citizenship
- Credential
- Credential Added Authorization Description
- Credential and Subject Matter Waiver Desc
- Credential Emphasis
- Credential Status
- Credential Waiver Group
- CSU Enrollment Status
- CSU Major Pathway
- CSU Major Pathway Description
- CSU Race / Ethnicity Reporting Category
- Current Athletics Participant Flag
- Current US Military Dependent Status 2015
- Current US Military Status 2015
- GE-Breadth Critical Thinking Course Completion Status
- GE-Breadth English Composition Course Completion Status
- GE-Breadth Math/Quantitative Reasoning Course Completion Status
- GE-Breadth Oral Communications Course Completion Status
- Gender Expression Description
- Gender Identity Description
- GI2025 Student Cohort
- Graduate Student
- Group Breakdown
- Race / Ethnicity
- Race / Ethnicity (Federal)
- Race / Ethnicity (IPEDS)
- Race 1 - Hispanic
- Race 2 - White
- Race 3 - African American
- Race 4 - American Indian
- Race 5 - Asian
- Race 6 - Pacific Islander
- Race 7 - Southwest Asian / North African
- Received Financial Aid
- Received Need Based Aid Other Than Pell
- Received Non Need Based Aid
- Received Pell Aid
- Redesigned SAT Evidence Base Reading and Writing Score Average
- Redesigned SAT Math Section Score Average
- Region
- Residence Location
- Residence Status
- Self-Support
- Self-Support FTEs
- Self-Support Term Units Attempted - All Levels
- Self-Support Term Units Attempted Weighted Average
- Sexual Orientation Description
- Source Academic Career
- Source Sport
- Special Programs
- Special Session Courses Remedial Units Attempted
- Special Session Courses Term Units Attempted - Graduate Division
- Special Session Courses Term Units Attempted - Graduate Division Average
- Special Session Courses Term Units Attempted - Lower Division
- Special Session Courses Term Units Attempted - Lower Division Average
- Special Session Courses Term Units Attempted - Upper Division
- Special Session Courses Term Units Attempted - Upper Division Average
- State & Self-Support FTEs
- State & Self-Support Term Units Attempted - All Levels (Combined)
- State FTEs
- State Support
- State Term Remedial Units Attempted
- State Term Units Attempted - All Levels
- State Term Units Attempted - All Levels (Summed)
- State Term Units Attempted - Graduate Division
- State Term Units Attempted - Graduate Division Average
- State Term Units Attempted - Lower Division
- State Term Units Attempted - Lower Division Average
- State Term Units Attempted - Upper Division
- State Term Units Attempted - Upper Division Average
- State Term Units Attempted Weighted Average
- State University Fee Waiver
- Student Attribute
- Student Classification
- Student Funding Type
- Student Funding Type Description
- Student Group
- Student Level
- Student Standing
- Student Type